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  • Writer's pictureandrearene

My New Job With Alloy Digital

Hello everyone!

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook then you probably have already heard that I have joined the team at Alloy Digital. You can learn all about them here by checking out their website or by reading this great article:

Many of you have asked when I’m going to have my own show again and I’m proud to say that time is rapidly approaching! Starting in early April I will be taking over “Escapist News Now” on the The Escapist Magazine YouTube channel. I will also be making appearances on my former channel Clevver Games, as well making an occasional appearance on breakaway success Smosh Games.

Please subscribe to all 3 if you haven’t already!!


I will be doing all kinds of content on video games and I want to hear what you guys want to see! This is important because I will also be starting a new channel just for me! You’ll be able to find vlogs, let’s plays, and commentary videos there. So Tweet at me @andrearene, post on my Facebook fanpage, or comment on this post to let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for all your support and I look forward to making lots more posts in 2013!

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